How to Detox Your Content Marketing and Keep Your Brand in Shape

This was originally published on the RelationEdge blog on January 29th, 2018.

The RelationEdge blog was deactivated in February 2020.

New Year, new… content?

The first few months of the new year are a time when many people turn over a new leaf and adopt healthier habits. But it might be just the time for your blog to slim down, too.

To help you, we’ve developed our very own content detox guide, so you can take a critical look at your content marketing and get your branding back into shape.

Why Do a Content Detox?

Times change. What you published on your blog three years ago may no longer be relevant — in fact, it may no longer even be accurate.

On the other hand, there may be content you published three years ago that remains relevant and insightful, yet few people are reading it. Maybe that content needs a little love to bring it more attention.

With a content detox, you’ll be able to refresh, re-promote, or delete your posts to ensure your branding and thought leadership is on point. But to know what content you’re working with, you first need to audit your assets.

Create Your Content Audit

A content audit will show you which of your content is worthy of refreshing or re-promoting, and which can go the way of the dodo bird.

Essentially, what you want to do is build out a spreadsheet with the title, URL, and metrics for your blog posts. Common metrics to look at include conversion rate, time on page, and social shares. From these details, you will be able to identify your valuable posts which should be updated or re-promoted, and the content that is nothing more than dead weight.

Breathe New Life into Evergreen Posts

It’s easier to refresh an existing post than it is to write one from scratch. Lurking in the depths of your blog is some great content that receives lots of views, but could use another paragraph or two with updated information.

Be sure to update the original blog post rather than publishing an additional article on your blog, — a new post about the same topic with vastly similar text could make search engines flag your blog for duplicate content. And keep the URL the same, too — if others have linked to the post, you don’t want those inbound links to become dead links.

In the name of transparency, it’s also a good idea to add an editor’s note at the beginning or end of your re-published post. This note should state when the post was originally published and that it has been revised for accuracy.

Let your social media team know when you’ve updated these blog posts – then they can be sure to reshare them across your social platforms and drive new views to your updated work!

Remind Readers of Great Content

As you conduct your content audit, you will also find content that still shines, even long after it has been written.

Just because it was published a while ago doesn’t mean it should be forgotten. Think of ways to make more people take notice of these posts. You can share this content regularly on your social channels and use it in your marketing automation drips.

You worked hard on creating this content. With a little effort, you can get it the attention it deserves.

Remove Underperforming Articles

You may think having old, outdated content does no harm. Think again.

Content deep in the archives of your blog may no longer reflect who your company is or what it does. It may detract from or misrepresent your brand, and if that’s the case, it’s got to go.

It can sound drastic to advocate deleting content, but done right, it won’t have any impact on your SEO or traffic numbers. One company actually found that deleting 900 posts — an incredible 30% of its website — had very few negative effects.

Do the Boring Admin Stuff

These aren’t the most awe-inspiring tasks, but that doesn’t make them any less necessary.

You should always go into your backend and clean up admin permissions. Are there still people with admin permissions who have left the company? Maybe some employees have moved into roles that don’t require them in your CMS. Either way, you need to update your admin permissions. This is a quick fix that keeps your content safe and sound.

It’s also important to update links in your older content to drive traffic to newer, more relevant posts. For blog posts that perform especially well over time, you should consider doing this at least once a year. You may be sharing old content again, but you want it to lead your reader to newer content, too.

After carrying out these actions, you’ll have a brand new, trimmed-down blog that better represents your brand. Detoxing feels good, doesn’t it?

Keeping Audiences in Mind When Developing Content Strategy

This was originally published on the RelationEdge blog on July 11th, 2017.

The RelationEdge blog was deactivated in February, 2020.

There’s a lot to consider when developing a content strategy. Topics. Timing. Channels. Keywords. Approval process and workflow.

But the first step to an effective content strategy is identifying your audiences. Your entire content strategy flows from your audience. It’s impossible to identify and address the needs of your clientele without knowing first who they are, and what drives them.

The next time you sit down and develop your content strategy, take a close look at who your audience is, and why they should be interested in the content you’re developing. You may think you’re meeting their needs with your current content strategy — but after a deeper dive, you could come to realize that there’s someone you’re missing.

Develop Customer Personas

For your content strategy to resonate with your audience, you must have a clear idea of who your audience is. Customer personas make your audience real by sketching out important characteristics such as age, gender, location, hobbies, goals and values.

If you haven’t already developed customer personas, now is the time to do it. We have a step-by-step guide to take you from start to finish of developing clear, useful customer personas.

This may seem like a strange exercise, but it’s an important one. When you develop personas, you deepen your understanding of how your customer thinks. This understanding is invaluable when producing content that resonates with them.

Consider how your content will differ for a 40-60-year-old male golf enthusiast and a 24-35-year-old female music lover. The type and tone of content will be entirely different, and that’s why it’s important to develop customer personas and clearly identify your audience.

Consider Where Your Audience Is in Their Journey

When you’ve identified your audience, you can consider where they are in the buyer’s journey. Are they at the awareness stage, where they are getting to know your company and its products? Are they at the stage where they are considering purchasing your products? Or are they at the decision stage, where they want to become a customer?

These are important questions which determine the kind of content you need to include in your content strategy. If you’re looking to speak to the part of your audience in the awareness stage, it may make sense to focus on your blog and social media to get the word out about your company. If your audience is in the consideration stage, it may be a better idea to develop white papers, case studies and testimonials that showcase how your company and its products stand out from the competition.

Whatever stage your audience is at, your content strategy needs to guide them through the buyer’s journey to take them through to the final step where you close the sale.

Create a Content Segmentation Grid for Multiple Audiences

During the first step of developing content personas, your company probably had numerous personas representing multiple audiences. A content strategy alone won’t tell you enough to know whether your content is effectively reaching each audience.

For that reason, it’s worthwhile to create a content segmentation grid. A content segmentation grid maps your personas against the stages of the buyer’s journey to ensure you have content that speaks to each of your audiences.

Your content segmentation grid will look something like this:

Awareness stageConsideration stagePurchasing stage

Joe, 45-year-old golf enthusiastBlog post: using sunscreen on the fairwayCase study showing how your sunscreen doesn’t run in outdoor settings.Newsletter with special discount offerShannon, 27-year-old music loverBlog post: using our sunscreen at outdoor concertsInterview: musician on their scare with skin cancer and why they use our sunscreenNewsletter with special discount offer

Even in cases where the type of content is the same (such as the newsletter in the purchasing stage), this grid will remind you that the content itself should differ. Different tones and different offers will appeal to different audiences.
By conducting this exercise, you will see if your content marketing is too light or too heavy on a particular stage or a particular audience.

Appeal to Emotions

When you’re developing content for your company, you tend to want to tell your audience about the features that makes it special. This creates a content strategy based solely on communicating facts and rationale. While that may not seem like a bad angle to take, it probably won’t be as successful as using emotions.

Emotions are one of the most effective ways to connect with people, hold their attention, and build lasting relationships. Being able to affect your audience emotionally is what will make your content more engaging and your company more special. That means it’s not just your business benefits your content strategy should be focused on – it’s your emotional benefits, too.

Try to keep in mind the emotions associated with the different interests, values, and goals of your customer personas, as well as the emotions experienced along the buyer’s journey. That way you can create a content strategy to trigger the right feelings, at the right time, for the right audience.

Keeping different audiences in mind will help you develop a better, more robust marketing strategy to appeal to all your markets. Don’t neglect this important first step.

Vulnerability and Transparency as Content Strategy

Originally published on the RelationEdge blog, September 19th, 2016.

The RelationEdge blog was deactivated in February, 2020.

A few weeks ago, I spent a morning at a lecture for the creative community in San Diego. The guest speaker was Scott Lewis, the Editor-in-Chief of the Voice of San Diego, a non-profit local news organization.[1] The theme of the lecture was love, but Scott took an interesting approach to the theme; I thought I was in for a lecture about romance, but Scott surprised me, instead focusing on the importance of vulnerability, transparency, and opening-up to tell our stories.

According to Scott, vulnerability is more than feeling weak or feeling exposed; it’s about being transparent and open about who you are, what your goals are, and what you want from the world. Vulnerability in the telling of stories — news stories, content, or even conversations – is opening yourself up and being clear about what you are aiming for, why you’re telling each story, and what you want to receive from your conversations.

As I listened to this lecture, I realized that these goals of transparency and vulnerability could apply equally well when it comes to content marketing, and the benefits of creating a narrative about the most vulnerable aspects of your business. In a world of inauthentic marketing and advertising, being authentic and transparent in your content marketing is a way to stand out and build established relationships with your audience.

Vulnerability, Transparency, and Content Marketing

Good content involves readers and makes them interested in your company and your story. An engaged customer or prospect is more likely to think of and trust your brand when they are ready to make a purchase. This is one of the main goals of content marketing.

But often, when companies are developing a content marketing strategy, they focus on telling only the positive stories, the ones that place them in a good light. This makes sense, as you’re more likely to share things that show your company as a positive entity, and sharing positive news about your company doesn’t make you vulnerable – you aren’t likely to lose a sale if you share a feel-good story about your last volunteer outing, or your latest client win.

Do these rosy marketing stories embody the reality of any company? Most likely, no, they do not. A business is a complicated endeavor, with personal relationships, corporate goals, and a lot of behind the scenes mechanisms. Companies face real consequences if they release information that is proprietary, or tell stories that paints them in a negative light. Despite these realities, there are benefits to being transparent about your company in your content strategy. When transparent content marketing is a goal, there can be some terrific results. Transparency can be used as a way to break through the inauthenticity of traditional marketing, and build a community of like-minded people that see your company as a leader. With all of these potential benefits, you may want to weigh the risks, look at your content strategy and ask – is it time to become more vulnerable?

Transparency as Content Strategy

A number of companies have made radical transparency a large part of developing their content strategy and sharing their brand story. Companies like Buffer, Zapier, and Elite SEM have built part of their brand and content strategy around being transparent, and sharing the losses as well as the wins.

For example, Buffer shares the experience of working in a rapidly scaling company in their Open blog, which they describe as: “Our journey to great productivity, more transparency and a happier work culture.” Open is focused on what it’s like to run a startup, how they have developed their benefit plans, their salary formula, and even features a monthly financial report that shares revenue from the last month. It’s transparent – radically so – and it has been a huge benefit for the Buffer brand in building authority and authenticity with their customer base.

Buffer has also documented how being transparent has been a boon for their business. In “The Transparency Movement: What It Is, Why It’s Important and How to Get Involved,” Buffer tracked their financial performance and found that their transparent approach to their content coincided with a change in their revenue trajectory – resulting in greater profits over time.

Can we conclusively say that the transparent nature of Buffer’s blog solely influenced their earnings? No, but what we can say is that it did drive attention to the brand, and since they had a strong product offering, they were better positioned to drive revenue.

In “Tough News: We’ve Made 10 Layoffs. How We Got Here, the Financial Details and How We’re Moving Forward” Buffer Founder and CEO Joel Gasciogne took radical transparency as far as it can go, and shared the mistakes the company made that led them to laying off 10 members of their staff. The post holds back nothing, goes into financial errors, management decisions that didn’t go well, and how that ultimately resulted in 10 people losing their jobs. It’s the perfect example of a company being radically transparent with their blog content.

Even in cases where Buffer shared negative news, the news was met with generally positive response (and a lot of media coverage), again positioning them as an industry leader, and making their content instantly engaging and uniquely informative.

Bringing Transparency to Your Content Strategy

The reality is, radical transparency like Buffer’s Open blog is simply not a feasible strategy for most marketing departments. The structure of most companies is not set up to share everyone’s salaries, share monthly financial statements, or even talk about some of the missteps behind the scenes; but this doesn’t mean you can’t make transparency a goal in your content marketing strategy.

Transparency, vulnerability, and truth are ways to build trust with your readers and market your brand as authentic. One of this biggest missteps in content marketing is to be inauthentic; inauthentic content is misleading, and assumes consumers aren’t well informed – and how could you ever expect success when you don’t treat your customers as an informed audience?

One way to avoid this inauthenticity is to be transparent in your content marketing. As an example, one of RelationEdge Digital Agency’s goals is to share expert advice and opinions with high-authority websites and their readers. We have been published on websites like EntrepreneurMarketing Profs and —  relationships we were able to establish by writing articles that shared actionable insights into digital marketing that we learned from our own experience working in the field.

When we first started reaching out with posts we had written, we found that publishers were more interested in what we had to say if we were authentic: when we gave advice without selling a service or our brand, and instead shared information and advice about our industry. When we were authentic in offering advice, we were able to show that we had valuable expertise to share with our community. Instead of telling our readers how great we are, we showed them, by sharing genuine insight, and proving that our company is engaging and informed.

Where to Start

If you have a goal of being more vulnerable in your content strategy, there are few small ways to start.

1.      Reveal Your Source

There is no harm in sharing where you gleaned your information – even when you are trying to position yourself as an expert in your industry. Experts are not only intelligent, but they are also well-informed. Being well-informed involves reading about the experiences and expertise of other people in your industry, and even outside your industry. Sharing an idea without sharing how you came to it is inauthentic, and poor practice as a writer.

2.      Tell People Who You Are

When you write a blog post, always include an author bio so people can find out who you are, and what makes you a trusted authority to speak about your topic.

3.      Make Interesting Stories Your Goal

Instead of sharing only positive news, consider sharing lessons you’ve learned by making mistakes, and (here’s the key) how you fixed these mistakes. Hearing what went wrong and how someone worked to fix it will always be more interesting than hearing about a win without the background. This will make you uncomfortable, and even vulnerable in some cases, but it will result in better content that resonates with readers.

4.      Be Transparent and Develop Content Around It

This is an advanced goal, but if you have buy-in from your team, think about developing content focused on making your strategy more transparent. Sharing your goals, how you are working towards them, and what you have learned is a great way to build authentic, actionable content that people are interested in reading. Make vulnerability a goal, work towards it, and measure the results.

[1] – Creative Mornings is a lecture series held in over 150 cities across the world, where creative people gather to hear a lecture from a community member about a chosen theme. (These events are held once a month and are a great way to meet other people in the creative community in your city – you should check them out!)

7 Steps to Take When Creating a Content Calendar

Originally published on the RelationEdge blog, August 29th, 2015

The RelationEdge blog was deactivated in February, 2020

If you write for or maintain a blog, you’ll know that one of the hardest parts of your job is to come up with consistent, engaging content. Posting regularly to a blog is one of the best ways to market your business and grow a community around what you do. In fact, companies who regularly post to a blog receive 97% more links to their websites than those who don’t. Those who update regularly over a long period of time see more results as well — blogs that have over 51 posts see an increase of 53% traffic, blogs with over 100 posts see an increase of 3x that traffic, and blogs with over 200 posts see 4.5x the traffic — posting frequently is key when you decide to host a blog on your website.

With that in mind, what’s the best way to make sure that your blog is maintained with engaging and informative content? A resource that we have found essential is a content or editorial calendar. A content calendar summarizes the strategy for blog content; outlining major themes, topics and resources for your blog. A plan of 1 – 6 months helps to create a long term strategy for what your blog content will be, and can be used to guide your efforts and plan how you will use your resources. And face it; having a written plan with due dates and schedules is one of the best ways to keep you accountable.

Since we’ve convinced you that a content calendar is the way to go, here are 7 steps that you can follow to build a content calendar of your own!

Step 1: Determine How Many Posts You Will Write

Before you start to develop a strategy around topics or themes, you need to know how many posts you are planning to write, and how often you will be posting. Hubspot recommends that bloggers try to post over 16 posts per month (4x per week), but for many companies, that schedule can be unrealistic. If you’re just starting a blog or just starting to post regularly to your blog, 1x per week is a great goal, though statistics show that at 10-11 posts per month is when you will start seeing the most traffic results from your efforts. If you have the resources, aim for 3-5 posts per week. If not, make sure you set a reasonable goal. Posting once a month is better than not posting at all, after all!

When determining how many posts you will be producing, don’t forget to consider creating different kinds of content such as: whitepapers, infographics, or ebooks. These engaging and informative types of content are read and shared more often than blog posts, and sites that feature infographics have 12% faster traffic growth than those who don’t. Keep in mind how many of your resources will be taken up by these types of content — infographics, ebooks and whitepapers are often longer, involve more research, and require graphic design assistance that blog posts do not.

Step 2: Determine Where Your Content Is Going

The next step of building a content calendar is to decide where the completed content is going to end up. Likely, much of the content that you produce will be going to your own blog, but you should also plan to contribute some of those posts as guest posts to important blogs and websites in your community. Contributing guest posts is a great way to build your brand’s authority, equity, and send signals to search engines and communities about your contribution to the web. Acting as a thought leader in your industry is a great way to build trust and respect with potential clients as well.

Determining where your posts will end up will help you with the voice and approach to each topic – after all, you would write differently for your own community than you would for someone else’s. Once you have determined a possible placement for a guest blog, be sure to make notations about their style guidelines and length requirements to your content calendar so you can minimize the number of revisions you will need to do to meet their standards.

Step 3: Develop a Theme

Now that you know how many posts you want to write and where you will be posting them, you can start developing content topics! One of the best ways to do this is to develop themes – a broad theme can help to guide writers and topic choices, and also create a comprehensive experience for your readers. For best results, plan out your themes for a few weeks or months at a time. This will help you to appear as an expert on your chosen topic areas (and after researching and writing multiple blog posts on a topic, you will become an expert!) and will also make it easy to refer to earlier blog posts as resources. You can also build on previous posts and create a series of posts, which can then be repurposed into a whitepaper or ebook — the possibilities are endless!

Step 4: Pick Individual Topics

Step four is to pick the individual topics for each blog post or type of content. Using the themes you chose earlier, break each theme down into individual posts, each covering a part of that theme. Think about how blog posts can refer to each other and how they can work together. Have some fun with topics too —throw in a quiz or an anecdotal story to add some personality to your blog and drive engagement.

You can also use this step to develop your headlines. Copyblogger has found that on average 8 out of 10 readers will read your headline, but only 2 of 10 will read the rest. Writing a great, engaging headline is a large part of having a successful blog, so take your time here and write headlines that will intrigue and interest your readers.

Step 5: Expand Your Scope

Since you don’t write the blog posts in your content calendar right away, you should write a brief description about what you want each post to be about before you forget. Include in this description the goal of each post, the questions that you will answer, and any specific notes about the content that you will need to remember later. Don’t count on just your memory; the more information you add here, the easier it will be for you to write these posts later.

Step 6: Resources

This step is quick, but vastly important — add links in your content calendar to articles, blog posts, and books that you will use when researching each blog post. Again, this will make it as easy as possible to start each blog post when it’s time to write it, and you won’t spend valuable time trying to find that one resource that you remember from weeks ago. Also, if there is more than one person writing for your blog, including resources will make it easier for other writers to craft the blog post you were envisioning and meet your expectations.

Step 7: The Most Important Step of All – Approval

If you write and maintain your own blog alone, you can skip this step, but if anyone else reviews and approves your blog posts, this is the most important step of all — gaining approval. There’s not much worse than spending hours of effort on writing a blog post about a certain topic only to find out that your manager doesn’t like the topic, and wants you to write something else. Avoid this by going through your finalized content calendar with anyone that has a say over what goes on your blog. Make sure that everyone has come to a consensus with what blog posts should be about before you start to work on them.

If you follow these seven steps, you should be well on your way to maintaining a frequently updated blog with interesting and engaging content! Do you use a content or editorial calendar when you write for your blog? How do you organize yours?